Hello everyone and welcome to a new beginning! I have always been a blogger during my adolescence/ young adult period but has stopped once I have entered the working world. From Bloggers to Tumblr, it was always about my personal journey, thoughts and interests.
However, ever since I started my work as a counsellor in New Zealand, I always wanted a space for me to explore and record my journey as a beginning counsellor. It is a challenging journey - being a counsellor - because we are working with people, strangers who entrust us with their deep and personal issues. This is exactly why I think having a platform to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this journey and often what we experience in sessions or the struggles we face are helpful. This blog is always aimed to provide insights, information, and tips on the current mental health, wellbeing issues for everyday people as well as counsellors.
Hence, this is a new beginning for me as a beginning (kind of) counsellor to share my experience, thoughts and feelings on this simple yet complicated and rewarding journey. I will be reflecting my journey from the eyes of a Christian, psychology graduate, and a gamer! Looking forward to sharing my journey with you and I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me too.